Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Garden Fresh

My 15 month old's plate

My 3 year old's plate

Well, mostly garden fresh. The veggies were from my in-laws' garden (not organic unfortunately) and the fruit is from the store and the rest, well I guess it's not so healthy but it sure was yummy!

The meal was well received by the girls. The only thing Emma didn't like was the blanket on her pig. Cate didn't care much for the cucumbers so they were quickly tossed to the floor.

The Menu

Pigs in a blanket (all beef hotdogs wrapped in crescent rolls)
Tomato slices
corn cut off the cob


Anonymous said...

I want to see the before AND after photos to see what of the good stuff they actually ate!

Anonymous said...

Crescent rolls are fun....and a favorite in our house. Our new favorite is a pampered chef taco ring. Or pizza ring. Or sausage ring. My kids are big fans of "the ring".

Liberty said...

How much DID your kiddos eat?

*grin* I dunno, there's nothing too offensive there. My kids would have done great with everything but maybe the veggies, which would have had to have ranch. Even then... I'd have gotten the 'mater slices, myself.

Just your everyday average married momma... said...

Looks delish - I love fresh fruit frankly and so do my kids.....mmm cucumber, I've been craving that alot lately...weird....

Lanny said...

Sorry if this shows up a thousand times! It's giving me trouble. Anyway...
I'm impressed! My 4 year old won't eat anything that doesn't involve grilled cheese. She'll eat other foods, but she has to have grilled cheese with it.

Leighann said...

Looks yummy!

Amy said...

That's not horrible... my kids wouldn't have touched the pigs in a blanket, thoough.

Susan said...

Why not give her the whole cob of corn though??? Just wondered, its halarious watching them try to copy you eating it.