Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pork Chops & Random Leftovers

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So there's tonight's dinner in all it's glory! Man, it was snacky! We had pork chops and leftover mac & cheese (not Cate though because it made her constipated today, she's lactose intolerant), steamed veggies, leftover baked beans and wow, isn't that enough? I almost tossed in some tomato slices. ;)

I decided to just save them for tomorrow. My supply of garden tomatoes is quickly dissolving! I'm making a chef salad (preview!) and an extra to take to a mom in my MOMS Club who just had a baby a couple of days ago.

1 comment:

Leighann said...

My oldest daughter had a COW when she saw this. She does NOT like her food to touch!