Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Split Pea Soup

It's been raining here for almost 3 days and even though it's no where near soup weather (it's still 78 degrees outside) the gloom made me crave soup. I had everything in the house necessary to make split pea soup (with extra carrots) and that's what we had! I apologize in advance because split pea soup isn't the prettiest stuff on Earth to photograph. It also looks like I put 7 pounds of cheese on top and I didn't. It's a very small sprinkle of cheese across the top.

Split Pea Soup with Corn Bread Muffins.

Split Pea Soup
Vegetarian split pea soup is pretty much the same as non-vegetarian you just leave out the pork.

1 package Split peas
4 cups Vegetarian "chicken" broth
2 cups water
4 - 5 Carrots diced
1 Onion diced
3 cloves garlic minced
Pepper (to taste)

Throw it all in the pot and cook for several hours.

Corn Bread Muffins
1 stick butter (melted works better)
1 cup corn meal
1 cup flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup milk
2 eggs

Mix it all together. Put into muffin pan. Bake at 400 F (205 C) until done (around 15-20 minutes).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea corn bread muffins were so simple to make from scratch!

I'm ready for soup weather ...