Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mock Tuna Salad

The camera issue persists, and now when I turn it on it makes a rattling noise. But, I have wonderful news -- tomorrow, for part of my birthday present to myself, I will get a new camera! YAY!

Tonight's dinner is mock tuna salad stuffed into tomatoes. Contrary to popular (and yet, incorrect) opinion, vegetarians don't eat fish. Fish have faces. Real vegetarians don't eat them. Don't give me some crap about "almost" vegetarians or "mostly" vegetarians. You eat things that have faces and you're not a vegetarian. Deal with it. :)

Picture taken with the bad digital camera.

Picture taken with the webcam attached to my laptop monitor.

I've decided that neither do the dinner justice and I'd like to point out the gymnastic-type feat I had to overcome in order to take a picture with the webcam. I should get serious kudos for that, after all it shows my true dedication to this blog. ;)

Mock Tuna Salad
1 can chick peas (aka garbanzo beans if you're from the southwest) RINSED and DRAINED!
Mayo (We use vegan mayo in this house)
1.5 tsp soy sauce
1 pickle diced
1 stalk celery diced
You can add onion if you want but onion in tuna salad is evil. So we skip that.

Toss the chick peas in a food processor and blend for a few seconds until coarsely chopped. If you do it too long you end up with more of a paste. If you are afraid of over-doing it with the food processor, use a fork to mash up the beans. Toss in mayo, soy sauce, pickle and celery. Mix with a spoon. Stuff in a tomato or whatever.

All you non-vegetarians. Try this. I swear it tastes like real tuna salad.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and serious Kudos on the pics...enjoy the new camera! :)

Anonymous said...

I really like tuna stuffed tomatoes and will definately give this a try. You haven't led me astray yet!

Anonymous said...

Long-time lurker, first time commenter ;-) I just tried making the Mock Tuna Salad for my lunch - wowza! You weren't kidding, it tastes just like tuna salad! Deelish. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Real vegetarians don't eat them. Don't give me some crap about "almost" vegetarians or "mostly" vegetarians. You eat things that have faces and you're not a vegetarian. Deal with it. :)

YEAH!!!! I totally agree with you :) Just had to comment on it lol. One of my biggest pet peeves. Can't wait to see what you do with the new toy :)


Anonymous said...

I made the mock tuna salad last week. I didn't really expect it to taste like *real* tuna salad, but I like garbanzo beans and thought even if it tasted more like hummus, I'd like it. Well, let me tell you, it tasted nothing like hummus, but tasted EXACTLY like tuna salad - no kidding! Not only did it taste like tuna salad, but it looked like tuna salad and had a very similar texture. I even served this to my son in his school lunch and although he wasn't thrilled (he doesn't eat *real* tuna very often either) he did say that he would eat it again! It doesn't get much better of an endorsement than that!!